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Conjugación de humiliate

to humiliatehumillar

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I humiliateyo humillo
you humiliatetú humillas
he humiliatesél humilla
she humiliatesella humilla
we humiliatenosotros humillamos
you humiliatevosotros humilláis
they humiliateellos humillan
they humiliateellas humillan

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I humiliatedyo humillé
you humiliatedtú humillaste
he humiliatedél humilló
she humiliatedella humilló
we humiliatednosotros humillamos
you humiliatedvosotros humillasteis
they humiliatedellos humillaron
they humiliatedellas humillaron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have humiliatedyo he humillado
you have humiliatedtú has humillado
he has humiliatedél ha humillado
she has humiliatedella ha humillado
we have humiliatednosotros hemos humillado
you have humiliatedvosotros habéis humillado
they have humiliatedellos han humillado
they have humiliatedellas han humillado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had humiliatedyo había humillado
you had humiliatedtú habías humillado
he had humiliatedél había humillado
she had humiliatedella había humillado
we had humiliatednosotros habíamos humillado
you had humiliatedvosotros habíais humillado
they had humiliatedellos habían humillado
they had humiliatedellas habían humillado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will humiliateyo humillaré
you will humiliatetú humillarás
he will humiliateél humillará
she will humiliateella humillará
we will humiliatenosotros humillaremos
you will humiliatevosotros humillaréis
they will humiliateellos humillarán
they will humiliateellas humillarán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have humiliatedyo habré humillado
you will have humiliatedtú habrás humillado
he will have humiliatedél habrá humillado
she will have humiliatedella habrá humillado
we will have humiliatednosotros habremos humillado
you will have humiliatedvosotros habréis humillado
they will have humiliatedellos habrán humillado
they will have humiliatedellas habrán humillado

I would humiliateyo humillaría
you would humiliatetú humillarías
he would humiliateél humillaría
she would humiliateella humillaría
we would humiliatenosotros humillaríamos
you would humiliatevosotros humillaríais
they would humiliateellos humillarían
they would humiliateellas humillarían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have humiliatedyo habría humillado
you would have humiliatedtú habrías humillado
he would have humiliatedél habría humillado
she would have humiliatedella habría humillado
we would have humiliatednosotros habríamos humillado
you would have humiliatedvosotros habríais humillado
they would have humiliatedellos habrían humillado
they would have humiliatedellas habrían humillado

Participio presenteAnotado
humiliating humillando

Participio pasadoAnotado
humiliated humillado

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